Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Tralee... PJ's.... and Reflection.

     With my hiking adventure over, I shifted into tourist mode.  I headed to Tralee on the bus and it was once again raining.  Really doesn't matter, the views out the big windows were as breathtaking as always - and no, despite the fact I'd  been looking at the Ireland countryside for 10+ days it does NOT get old.
     I had about a 10 minute walk to the B and B when I got to the station.  No biggie.  I arrived in Tralee without incidence the busses are very well organized in the larger towns.  My walk to the B & B was straightforward (thanks to the map provided by Ireland walk hike bike!).  When I got there, I was early so I gave the host a call.  She came and let me in.  I discovered that Mary (my host) also works as an administrative assistant for the courts.  She had a map,  gave me the lowdown on the town and gave suggestions on places to check out.  I put my bags away, took the map. put on my sneakers and took a walk.

     Tralee was more fast paced and not as touristy as some of the other towns I had been in. Got a snapshot of urbanish living in Ireland.  I walked around for a bit - got a bite and then picked up some cheese and crackers and the local newspaper in the Centra (one of their supermarkets) and went back to the B & B for a PJ afternoon.  Time to catch my breath, think about the next few days and reflect. I would be heading to Waterford the next day and then on to Dublin and home.  It has been an amazing journey.  When I started this back in September it was a leap of faith on my part.  I'd never traveled like this alone, nor had I attempted what I accomplished.  It felt good.

On this journey the truths that I have discovered (thus far):
1) I can climb mountains! It may be slow going at times, but if I focus my energy I can do just about anything.

2) Sometimes you need to look at what's right in front of you.  If you are looking down or too far        ahead you can miss what's important and amazing.

3) Don't over think.  Maps and directions are good guidelines - but sometimes you need to put them away and trust your gut.



Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My Last day of Self Guided in Ireland

     Yesterday I took a day off.  I had a mountain of laundry to do (You can only rinse out clothes so many times...), I wanted to catch up on my blog,  and I had other sundry errands to run.  Plus, I was just needing a break.

     True to their word, Ireland walk bike hike kept tabs on me and about noon Linda called to me know that I could meet  Sean and Marianna for dinner, and for the trip to the Blaskets the next day (today).  I said I would love to as long as I was not being a gate crasher.  She assured me it would be just fine.

     I arrived at the restaurant a bit early and struck up a conversation with an Aussie expat who was now a tour guide.  His answer to "kids today" was they needed a good swift kick to learn discipline. Hmm... Luckily Sean and Marianne arrived and we had a nice dinner and made plans for going to the Blasket Islands the next day.

     Today I got up and walked to their hotel and was met at the door by Sean who told me the boats were not going out due to weather. He suggested a walk around to the point. OK sounded good to me.  The clouds were low and he said it would not make any sense to go to the mountains as there would be nothing to see.   So off we went.  Turns out the entire trip was on roads - some heavily traveled.  Sean was a different kind of guide - he had a lot of knowledge about plants and fauna and recipes!!!  Before we began he stopped at the local market to show Marianne what  ingredients she would need to make his world famous "Guinness Bread" I later got the recipe from him and looking forward to trying it.

The only Fungi sighting we had all day!
     We walked and he pointed out a variety of plants, told us stories about Dingle and the history of Ireland from the ice age on.  I loved it!  So much history.  We passed a handful of dogs that came out to greet us - most very friendly.  We walked on and as we came around the end - Sean noticed that the "dolphin" boats were out.  Dingle has a celebrity - his name is Fungi  and he is a dolphin that has been in the harbor for many years.  We stopped to watch and the boats just kept going.... Sean thought perhaps they would be going a bit further out - but was puzzled because Fungie usually stays in the harbor.

     As we neared the end of our journey - Sean suggested we go see the watch tower, I looked up the hill and it was covered in a layer of fog - He saw it too - then he saw the farmer standing by the path collecting money for "permission to pass"  We passed and kept walking.  The trail was meant to end by the water but as we got closer we discovered an electric fence set up across the road.  That was the end of that.
We did sight a mama goat and her three kids
     Sean suggested we walk back and stop for lunch, seeing if we could locate Fungie.  We got settled for lunch but no Fungie showed up.  As we headed back Sean remembered that there were standing stones not too far off by a college.  We found the road and took a side trip to see them.  The stones had Ogham or ancient writing on them.  As we walked Sean entertained us with his best impression of a Kerry accent.  He had us both try - it is fascinating how the accents are so very different across the country - but perhaps not so strange as we have the same phenomena in the states.

Too dang cute

Very sweet
     We found the stones and they were pretty amazing.  You could tell they were very old - many of them had lichen growing on them but you could still see the markings or Ogham.  Sean explained it's not truly ancient Gaelic or Irish it's more closely related to Roman writing.  I found it fascinating.
     On the way back into town, Sean pointed out more plants and sang a few verses of song.
When we arrived back in town, I was asked if I had bee to Dick Mack's pub.  I hadn't, but apparently it has been voted the best pub in all of Ireland.  We went in and had a celebratory pint. We first had to sit in the "snug" which were were women were allowed in the pub in years gone by.  It was not thought appropriate for a lady to be seen drinking so they had small rooms off the side of the bar where the ladies could go and get snookered!  As I was getting ready to leave after copying down Seans' famous Guinness bread recipe, a man with his family had come in and he was playing the guitar while  his young son was singing.  Sean asked if he could play a tune - and he did - he had a great voice! Who knew.  All in all a fun last day of hiking!  We ended up going about 24 Km or 15.5 miles.  Long day of walking and a great way to end this amazing hiking adventure.

Me by the Ogham stones

Tomorrow I am off to Tralee for the day and then on to Waterford and Dublin then home.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Ventry Beach to Slea Head: First Self Guided Hike

     I started today with an amazing breakfast of scrambled eggs and smoked salmon!  The food on this trip has been unbelievable.  If I was not walking 8-12 miles a day I would most defiantly be putting on a few pounds! The B and B hosts were terrific, very accommodating and made sure the cab came to get me on time.  I had a ride to the start of the hike at Ventry Beach.  Sean the cab driver was most helpful and gave me some good advice and landmarks to watch out for.
     Got to the beach and off I went.  I am beginning to think that if something makes me nervous or a tad uneasy - it's best I do it rather than avoid it. Not talking about the reptilian response you get when you should turn and run the other way - more the "I don't want to do this because I never have,  and I don't know what the outcome is going to be" responses. I suppose its all about taking risks and living rather than just surviving.  Anyway, that's how I was feeling when I started this walk. So one foot in front of the other...
Ventry Beach

     I had my map, and my directions.  But keeping in mind the lessons I learned earlier in the week, after looking at them for a moment and seeing the first couple of steps I put them both away and looked up and ahead.  The paths were marked fairly clearly.  The first bit I walked on the  beach - what a treat!  It was a beautiful morning, sunshine and warm breeze.  The views were spectacular with the mist lifting off the mountains.  I stopped every now and again to pick up a shell or a rock. What I was finding about being alone is that the only company I had was myself - which can be a bit noisy at times.  As I continued I looked for the two rivers to cross and they had interesting  bridges.
Views from the "bridge"

The "bridge"
     As I plotted along, another difference I noticed was I didn't have an idea of pace.  Having other around I never really thought of it.  The walk took me through some farms with both sheep and cows.  I then entered a road and had to walk for a bit - small two lane road that was somewhat busy with many blind turns.  Walking on the right facing traffic took some getting used to.  At one point I stopped to check the map and I just listened, the road was along the beach and I could hear the ocean but could not see it.  I looked across the road and noticed a worn spot on the embankment.  Checking for cars I trotted across and took a few steps up and looked over....
Sometimes you need to look in the hidden places...

to see the beauty around you.

A hidden gem... Had I not stopped to listen and taken a risk to see what was there I would have missed it. 
     I walked on for a bit and found my next turn off.  Up a hill I went (honestly I'm over hills for a bit).  I know they they are part of life - but metaphorically and literally - can I have a bit of a break :-)
  Found myself using my new skills with breathing and they really do help. Not over thinking also goes a long way.

     When I got to the top I had been walking for about an hour and a half.  I found a flat rock and took a water and biscuit break (I blame Linda, I am now addicted to these dang things.)  Ate my TWO biscuits ("because have you ever seen a bird with just one wing?") drank some water and on I went.  The walk winded up into the hills further away from the coast.  It quieted down, the road noise gone and the ocean white noise soft in the  background.  There were plenty of sheep around and they would just move off as I approached I found myself thinking they must be very used to strangers.  Up and down I went over the hills.  At one point I was to cross a fence over a stile.  The directions then were unclear as to what was next. They said there were no markers and that I had to turn left go west and go back over the fence but it did not make sense.  There were markers and there was no where  to go over a fence.  I stood there for a moment and found myself getting sucked back into "but the directions say...." disregarding what was right in front of me.  I actually laughed out loud, put the directions BACK in my pack and made a mental note to tell Linda the changes on the trail.  Followed the markers and found my way. 
   I walked for quite a way passing beautiful overlooks and lots more sheep.  The path started to head down and there was a river to cross via rocks... no bridge.  Used my poles to check the rocks in the water and they were slippery took the dry route instead just took a little maneuvering.
I was way ahead of schedule (by a couple of hours).  I got to the part or the trail that lead up to the top and then it would be all down hill.  How many times must I say... I'm done with hills. I had stopped,  grumbling to myself (actually I think I was using stronger language and I'm sure there was at least one F bomb in there) and was feeling discouraged.  I took a water break before I continued and out of no where this small bird comes and sits on the fence not 4 feet from me.  It's twitching it's little tail and chirping at me, I though I must be by it's nest.  I look at it, it looks back and then flies about 5 feet ahead  and does the same routine.  I'm thinking - does it want me to follow it?  So on goes the pack, and I walk up to where it is.  I stop it flies another 5 feet in front me of chirping and twitching . I walk... it flies, this continues till we get to the top of the hill.  It then looks at me, stops chirping and flies away.  I'm thinking "what just happened?" In my mind I think, that was my mom encouraging me, knowing I'm getting tired and knowing I just needed a little push. When she was alive she had a way of doing it that didn't seem obvious. I look up and this is what I saw:
Look in front of you
 I send a prayer up to my mom thanking her for the help,  I smiled and walked on, all down hill from here.  
     When I get down and over yet another stile I was on a road that lead to a parking lot.  I took off my pack, got out my water and my two last biscuits (I've been well trained) and sat watching the ocean.  There were a few cars in the parking lot but it was pretty quiet.  Then a huge bus pulls up and off loads several dozen tourists.  Out of no where the cars in the parking lot turn into cookie and fruit sellers (out of their trunks) and someone starts playing an instrument.  I looked around and shook my head.  Such a difference from up north in Donegal,  I don't believe we saw anyone on any of our hikes, except for Errigal.  So many people, it was weird.  I got up and headed down the road to the meeting place for the cab.  It was a home where the owner was selling home baked goods and tea and coffee to travelers.  I used the rest room and got a pot of tea and a scone and went to sit outside. I had about two hours to kill and there was not cell service,  oh well I was forced to sit in the sunshine and drink my tea - hard life.  There was a picnic bench available so I sat. Just watching the waves crash on the rocks. Eventually others came and sat and we chatted.  I meet several different folks from all over.  Patricia and John sat for the longest and we had a great conversation.  I found out about their two sons, her dad who is 90, and the fact that even though they live about 60 miles away this spot was their favorite in the world.  They even had a summer home here so they could be here more often.  And it is a lovely spot.
Life does not get any better than this....

Heading to Dingle

     Our Donegal Tour was over, and I headed to Dingle in the southwest part of Ireland.  I was lucky enough to be able to catch a ride with Linda as she headed back to Tralee.  On route we were dropping off Brian, Julie, Andreas and Gabby at the train to head into Dublin.  So we were going to Tralee by way of Dublin.  

     This was exciting for me for several reasons, the first being we would be going through Letterkenny (which turned out to be an industrial town - nothing too exciting but at least I can say I was there!)  Second because we would also be going through Northern Ireland.  Last time I was in Northern Ireland it was 1976 and there were tanks in the streets and bridges being blown up.  I was curious what I would find this time around. 

     Since I was the only one who could read in a moving car I got to ride shotgun and be the "navigator". As we traveled Linda filled us in on the history of why Ulster County or Northern Ireland was retained by the British.  The English did not want to give up this county because of the rich farmland. At first look you can tell the landscape is very different.  No rocks, no bogs, flat and level.  The land is parceled and separated by hedgerows rather than rock walls. The fields are filled with cattle not sheep.

     Linda told us when we entered  Northern Ireland and I asked her how she knew, as there was not real delineation, no border,  nothing. “Red Bins?” She says - The color of the garbage cans had changed (they are green in the republic) She also points out that the speeds have changed into MPH and the people are much more "obedient". As we continue we run into our first traffic light since I’ve been on this tour!  In rural Ireland there are no traffic lights.

     We enter the town of Omah and Linda shared that this is home to the Ulster American Folk Park.  It provides information and links to people who have immigrated to America.
     Brian mentions that the roads are pretty empty.  Linda tells us that the end of June to August is Marching Season. What is that we all asked. Marching Season is when the Republicans march into areas that they feel they have jurisdiction over. The unionists are those loyal to England vs the Republicans who still want a united Ireland. I asked why this time of year and she tells us that the Battle of the Boyne happened in July. The battle was responsible for  the Protestant foothold in Ireland. She shared that in the early days if you were a Catholic and living in Northern Ireland you could not find work,  it was who you knew not what you knew.  This has changed over the years.
     As we are driving I notice that the hills are very different, raising softly and the grass is lush and green.  The trees line the road and the cows graze happily. Have not seen any sheep,  I mentioned this to Linda she said “why waste good land on sheep”.
     She goes on talking about cows... She tells us one of the biggest supplier of beef are in the Burren (western Ireland) because the grass is rich in calcium.  The cows feed on this for the first year and then they are brought to Northern Ireland of fattening.  She mentions that it is good trade that goes on.
     As I looked around I noticed that there not any, that I could see,  old homes (stone) or old historical sights.  I asked about  it - if there were any pilgrim walks like there were down in the south.  Linda shared that there was a greater degree of fear up in the north and the people were much more suppressed and did not practice their faith in the open as they did in the south. As far as older homes, many were cleared to make room for more farmland.

     One of my other duties as "shotgun" is to take care of the music.  We listed to several of Andrease CD's one was kinda out there the other nice.  We put on Linda's CD called Liam Clancy's favorites. Good Irish music

     When we arrived in Dublin we went to the train station to pick up Sean another guide and Marieann who will be doing the Dingle guided tour with Sean. We also  dropped off Julie and Brian; Gabby and Andrease.  Hard to believe the week went to quickly.  We said our good bye's and then we were off again.  

     Sean drove to Tralee while Linda answered mail and took over the shotgun role. Marianna and I chatted best we could in the back.  She was French and  as I speak no French it was a challenge. Linda does speak the language  and was able to converse more easily.  Never the less Marianna and I got our messages across and she was very interesting! When we arrived in Tralee I had to run for the bus, I caught it with mere seconds to spare! Quick goodbye to Linda and off I went again.  It was pouring down rain as we drove into Tralee. 
    This next bit, will be interesting  I needed to take a look at the packet and see what I was doing the first day -  one day at a time.  This has been so incredibly good for me.  I am learning to enjoy what is happening now rather than worrying about tomorrow or next week.
     Looking forward to solitary walks I know it will be different, but different is often good.  Wondering what lessons are yet to be learned.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Day six - Horn Head

     After having conquered Errigal, and for me that is how it felt not just physically but also emotionally, I was pretty beat.  My legs were mushy and I was ready for an easier day - Not to be. We started todays hike with a bit of confusion.  The route that is usually taken was closed.

Trying to figure out where to go...

     Apparently there was a discussion at the local pub about the land use and one businessman asked a farmer "how much are you getting for the use of your land".  This started an argument and the farmer in question refused to let anyone pass on his land.  So as we began to hike, uphill (why must it always start straight uphill??) ;-P  Linda was in search for a way to pass to the beach.  She knocked on several doors and finally a farmer came in from his field.  After a discussion he gave us the go ahead to cross his fields.
   Today I discovered a new type of Irish walking obstacle - very sharp grass.  Not sure what type it is (forgot to ask which is not like me!)  Had to pass through that to get to the path we needed.  Lots of up and down.  Once again beautiful shore line.  Linda had told us that Horn Head is actually more dramatic and higher than the Cliffs Of Mohr but not nearly as easy to get to.
Going across the famers field - Errigal in background on Right

    We stopped for lunch on the side of a valley looking into it.  It blocked the wind that was picking up.  As we sat there no one spoke.  We all watched as the clouds moved overhead cast moving shadows on the valley below.  So peaceful.  Could hear the waves crashing and the sheep baaing but otherwise silence.  One of our group Andrease had stopped to sketch a ways back and Linda was keeping an eye out for him.  When he did not appear she went looking.  Some us began walking because we saw the OTHER side of the valley that we needed to climb.  Off we went.
Horn Head (from a distance)
As we got closer we saw what all the fuss was about - it was breathtaking.

View from the top

Finally got to the top!

Once we got there and climbed to the very top we still had to get back to the van.  I think most of us were ready for a break.  It had been an EXCELLENT, but long week of hiking.  As we headed down we passed the ruins of an old watch tower.  Linda had told us the parking lot was "just over the next bit"  That bit was a bit far away - but we keep walking.  As we walked down the road to the van Linda hitched a ride so she could get the van and pick us all up (I think she sensed a mutiny!)
It all worked out in the end and we made it back to town and Linda stopped and we all got a celebratory pint.  She also gave each of us a certificate of achievement for the "job well done!"
While at the pub she discovered there was to be music that night starting at 5. We all agreed to run back take a quick shower and head back before dinner for some music.  It was a great session and a terrific way to end our time together.

Brian and Julie

Our group taking in the tunes

Andrease and Gabby

Linda and Marette deep in conversation!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Day Five - Mt. Errigal!!!!!

Climbing Mount Errigal

     We woke and still did not know if we were going to be a go for Mt. Errigall.  I was feeling a bit nervous probably because I had built this up for so long in my head, having it as the goal since I booked the trip.  
      I checked the weather forecast and it did not look good - 100% chance of rain from 9 am on.  If I am honest, a part of me was relieved.  Fear of accomplishing a goal?  Fear of trying and failing?  Not sure...
     At Breakfast we meet the two new members of our group “the dutch” as Linda had been referring to them.  Marietta and Marcel.   They were both very nice.  Linda told us we would drive over to the mountain and see what the weather was and then make the decision of what we were going to do. She already had an alternative hike for those who did not want to do Errigal.  As we drove over I saw that Errigal was clear.  I swallowed, mentally preparing myself that I might be climbing the mountain today  I was torn between fear and excitement at the possibility. 

     When we got there Linda made the decision we were good to go.  She asked who wanted to do Errigal - my hand went up.  After dropping half the group off at the alternative site we got ready to climb.  From the car park it didn’t look “too” bad that changed when we began the assent.  
     The first part was bog. I took a deep breath and started.  As is typical for me it took a bit to prime the pump and get me moving.  I found I was breathing weird - I could not catch my breath.  I started to fall behind the group which from the get go has been my biggest fear (slowing the group down). I think I began to mentally sabotage myself and I began to have a moment of panic. I kept going one foot in front of the other through the bog.  Stop… catch my breath… push down the panic…walk… catch my breath.. 
At the Skree
     About then Linda came back down to where I was and asked if I was OK.  I told her I was having trouble catching my breath.  She very calmly told me a story about a time when she had trouble and the lesson one of her hikers had given to her, she shared it with me. I could see her doing a check to make sure I was OK and then stayed with with, modeling the pattern as we walked.  Walking slowly with me setting the pace as I caught my breath and slowed it down. Short short through nose long through mouth.  My legs stopped hurting and I was able to keep going.  We got to the Skree (the loose rocky part of the mountain) At this point the wind set in,  blowing my hat almost off.  I pulled up my hood and then I heard the tat tat of the wind whipping my hood about my head and the sniff sniff blow of my breath. I kept my eyes on Linda’s boots one foot up then the next.  step by step… pole pull by pole pull.  I dared not look up.  It was a tough climb and with the wind blowing so strongly I had to anchor my pole several times to prevent me being blown over. Linda kept encouraging me.  She took it slow with me and I was able to get to the place where the others had gathered. I turned around and looked, wow I could not believe I had gotten here! This goal was about more than climbing a mountain, it was about setting my sights on something that at the time seemed unattainable, working to get ready and then not giving up.  Another bit of muchness returned.  I could not get the grin off my face!
      By this time the wind was blowing fiercely.  The next and last 100 meters of this hike were up and over a razor back.  Linda took Marette and Marcele up to check on conditions while Andrease and I waited. As I sat there I unloaded the baggage of negative emotions I had been carrying of too long, the fear, the anxiety the always planning and worrying and I sent it to the winds.  I asked Nanny and the universe to scatter them and also to give me courage to be open to all possibilities.  A very powerful moment for me.
Made it!!!
    They came back and decided that it was not a good day to be doing that part, not safe just too windy.  We congratulated ourselves on a job well done and would have had a biscuit but it was too windy to open a pack. After a few pictures we all headed back down.  Down for me was a bit easier but I did so with care and respect for the wind and the rocks.  I went down lighter and feeling better then I had in a long time.  I took my time watching my feet and making sure I didn’t fall or get blown over  When we got down - the rains started.  We had been so fortunate to not have them falling while we were hiking.
     We went and collected the other hikers and ate our lunch in the rain - I didn't even notice.  This day had been a success.  The hike was probably the shortest we would do, but for me it was monumental.  Life is indeed good.

Day four - Glenveagh National Park

     Today was our day "off".  We started a bit later and at breakfast Linda told us that we had a few choices we could take a boat to Tory Island and explore (a 45 minute boat ride in not so calm waters) OR go see Glenveagh National park.  The group voted for the Park.
     As we drove there we once again passed Errigal.  It loomed large and formidable.  We also passed Muckish Mountain or Hogs Back which was a more flat mountain.  I continued to be awed by the beautiful country in this area.  
     Linda told us about the history of what we were going to be seeing today...

     Glenveagh (means glen of the birch tree)  is about 10 thousand hectares or 200,000 acres National Park.  The man who set it up was John George Adare.  He was very wealthy buisiness man and  he bought the lands and built a castle. 
     The castle is not very old it was built in 1867, post famine, but for the most part it was still a very impoverished society.  George Adare is infamous because when one of his stewards was murdered and sheep were stolen he retaliated by  evicted 244 tenant farmers off their lands in 1871.  That put him into history.  He died about 5 years after the castle was built.  Never saw his vision of a hunting lodge and place to entertain come to fruition.  
     His wife Cordilla was viewed as a kind hearted lady, she lived  to 1921.  She was the one who got the castle to the way it is today - laid out the garden as we see it today did a huge amount for the community - she lived here every year till 1920’s  spending each summer  here .  
     When she died,  it was during the time Ireland was  fighting for independence.  The IRA took over the castle.  It was built in granite stone and  the IRA found it a perfect place to hide.  They left, however  when they saw the English Army.  The Arm then moved into the castle for a bit. 
   Next a man named Arthur Kingsley Porter bought it 1924ish.  He was a lecturer in Harvard and bought it for 5000 pounds.  This man has a rich history he studied Irish Archeology - that is why he loved Glenveagh.  There is some mystery about his demise. Supposedly he had an accident in the 1930’s.  He mysterious died on Inishboffen, but his body was never found.  Intrigue that is connected to him, Lousie Constacan wrote a book about him.  It transpired that Kingsly Porter  was married for 17 years before he was able to tell his wife he was homosexual.  The Author reported he would go through bouts of depression and even  went to a psychotherapist in London who told him to go with his heart.  He started a relationship with a man named Allan Campbell.  His wife was OK with this.  
     When he went missing,  His wife reported him missing when he went over two Inishboffen.  She sent out a 6 hour search - the body was never found.  There was some question about this.  In the book about 10 years later there were sightings of him in gay circles in Europe.  

     Henry Macelhenny bought Glenveagh after that and  brought the castle to what it is today.  Each room is a different theme.  In the 1970’s he started to sell the lands to the Irish state.  In 1980’s gave the castle to the Irish Nation.  This is how it became a national park  Mackelhenny and Derek Hill (the painter) were great friends.  This is what encouraged Hill to move to Ireland.  Machelhenny was well known for this parties - Charlie Chaplin, Greta Garbo were some of his guests.

     We took a shuttle bus to the castle and gardens for a tour .  From the outside, the castle was beautiful and I could picture what it must have been like back in the day.  We had to wait for our tour so we all walked around the gardens. They were breathtaking.  I, myself am not much of a gardener but I can appreciate a beautiful garden when see one.  Julie said she wanted to apply for a gardner position and never leave.  
Gardens were laid out beautifully

Castle through the garden 

Beautiful flowers!

     I wandered through the gardens taking pictures and then found a path that lead down to the lake.  There was a quiet beach there and I just sat for a bit. It was very quiet and peaceful.  When our tour time came I went back to the castle.  The castle was not as big as I thought from the outside,  the rooms and furniture were decorated in the style of the 60's  It was an interesting tour.
    After our tour we went to Derick Hill's estate not far away for some lunch and a tour of his home.  Very different it was a Georgian Home and filled to the brink with art work - they had plates done by Picasso on shelves and sitting out the guide commented that a couple from Paris was shocked to see the displayed so - they said they would be in climate controlled boxes at home.  his comment was "there is some blue tack holding them on the shelves" 
     After all our touring we headed back to the Hotel.  For a day off it was very rich in history and beauty.  During dinner, Linda was looking at the weather forecast for tomorrow (Errigal day).  She told us all it may be a wave off if the rains came in when they said they were gong to - visibility would be too poor.  I was surprised to feel a sense of relief (WHAT!)  So we just have to wait and see what tomorrow holds....